She did work which by rights should be done by someone else. 她做了理应由别人做的事情。
The police say they suspect the attack was carried out by animal rights activists. 警方说他们怀疑袭击是由动物权益保护的积极分子们发动的。
He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders. 他承认自己有被民权领袖出卖了的感觉。
By rights the Social Democrats ought to be the favourites in the election. But nothing looks less certain 社会民主党按理应该最有希望赢得这次选举,但一切从未如此不确定过。
By rights, I think he should have an opportunity to reply to our criticizm. 按理,我认为他应该有对我们的批评进行答辩的权利。
I am too old, I am a hundred years old, I am a hundred thousand years old, I ought, by rights, to have been dead long ago. 我已太老了,我已一百岁,我已十万岁。我早就有权死去了。
Notice that the examples provided here all contain-all, followed by additional rights such as+ inq and+ connect. 注意,此处提供的示例都包含-all,后面紧跟其他权限,比如+inq和+connect。
I shall not by rights be at this party at all& I am on duty tonight. 我照理不该参加这个聚会,因为今晚我值班。
By all rights, I should just let this drop. 按理来说,我应该不去管这闲事。
I should by rights speak german, my mother's german, but I only know a few words. 照理我应该说德语,我母亲是德国人,但我只会几个单词。
For centuries, the Holy Roman Empire derived patronage by assigning rights to a limited number of toll points. 几个世纪中,神圣罗马帝国(HolyRomanEmpire)将权力分配给少数几个收费点,以此获取资助。
Serialization is often handled by rights director or agent and has to be worked into the PR campaign. 在报纸上进行长篇连载通常由版权部门或相关的代理人来负责,但是需要与公共关系部门协调。
When an enterprise enjoys consistently solid sales as a percentage of capital employed, and high gross margins, then it should by rights make a decent bottom line and an attractive return on investment. 如果一家企业的销售收入与所用资本之比持续坚挺,而且毛利率较高,那么从理论上说,它应该拥有可观的利润和诱人的投资回报率。
After the group of 20 meeting in Toronto and the passage of the US financial reform bill, global economic recovery ought by rights to be in the bag. 20国集团(g20)多伦多峰会已经结束,美国也通过了金融改革法案,按理说,全球经济复苏应该是十拿九稳了。
The mere mention does not imply that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights! 仅仅在本文的列举,不能做出商标没有受到第三者权利保护的结论!
It sounded like the impossible voice of a shriveled dead thing, a mummy or a lich that, by rights, should have no voice at all. 它听起来就像是枯萎的已死物体,比如木乃伊或者巫妖的声音,但事实上,它们是不可能有声音的。
It's all wrong, by rights, we shouldn't be here, but we are. 一切都错了,我们本来就不该在这,但事实上我们在。
Without the security and freedom provided by these rights, it is very difficult to maintain a high level of mental health. 如果没有这些权利所带来的安全与自由,保持高水准的精神健康状态会十分困难。
By rights we shouldn't even be here. 正确的来说我们不应该在这里,但是我们却在。
Countries are creating adaptation funds by auctioning rights to pollute under cap-and-trade arrangements. 世界各国正通过拍卖限额交易制度下的污染权建立适应性活动基金会。
Constructing harmonious society must eliminate disharmonic phenomena, rights poverty is the fountain factor that causes disharmony, most disharmony were caused by rights poverty. 摘要构建和谐社会必须消除不和谐现象,权利贫困是造成社会不和谐的本源性因素,许多不和谐现象都是由权利贫困引起的。
By rights, you should all be court-martialled. 照理你该被送上军事法庭。
Pressured by animal rights groups, these companies felt they had to fund scientists researching the emotional and mental states of animals. 这些公司感受到来自动物权利团体的压力,不得不赞助科学家们去做关于动物的情感和精神状态的研究。
By rights half the money should be mine. 按理应该有一半的钱归我。
By rights, half the reward should is mine. 按理说,有一半奖赏应该是我的。
We will start at the top and remove those who control your lives, and have subjected you to "imprisonment" when you should by rights be a free soul to experience as you choose. 我们将在最高层开始移除那些控制你们生活的人或事,当你们应该去感受成为一个自由灵魂体验你所有选择的时候,那些让你们受到“监狱”生活的人或事。
The supervision of public power is based on three supervision models: restriction of power by powers, by rights and by morality. 公共权力监督制度安排以权力制约权力、以权利制约权力、以道德制约权力三种模式。
To achieve these goals, by rights, law officers, the rule of law is the only way to achieve the administration. 而要实现这些目标,依法治权、依法治官、实现行政法治是唯一途径。
Liberty is often represented by rights; 自由常常表现为权利;